Director Message
Dear Parents & Students, Welcome to Lakshay International School. I hope it will give you a useful insight into our school and provide you with the information you require. As the Director, I feel privileged to have the opportunity to lead the school in its exciting phase of development. The most important part of any school is the quality of relationships. Above all, Lakshay International School is a happy school with a supportive and welcoming environment for all students. We encourage our students to follow their interests, develop new skills and most importantly, fully enjoy all aspects of school life. Lakshay International School is a learning community; we work together in a creative way to provide a dynamic learning experience for all. We want our students to reach their full potential by following a learning programme that meets their individual needs. We want our young people to learn how to learn, to be articulate and to make a positive contribution so that they can take their places as active, thoughtful citizens of the 21st Century. At Lakshay International School we quite simply want to provide the best education in the broadest sense for all of our students. We recognize the importance of working in partnership with parents and the wider community and hope that your interest in our prospectus is the start of a happy and productive working relationship between home and school.
Mrs. Jyoti Tyagi